Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Cute, cute, cute.

Due to the massive amounts of fun that we've all been having over here, I've neglected this blog for a whole month. Shame on me... but chalk it up to learning to be a great mommy. ;) If anyone is still reading this, here's an update. Since my last post, Eli has gained some weight- he's around 12 lbs now! He's learning lots of new tricks, like rolling over and partially sitting. He's also quite good at sucking on hands and arms, drooling incessantly and flying around the house like super-baby, courtesy of his brave Daddy! He's enjoying life so much more now that he's learning to nap... an answer to tons of prayers! Here are last months photos. If I can get him to hold still, we'll do some more soon!


Clothes get in the way sometimes.

I love this face for some weird reason. He looks like a guppy.
Terry thinks this is the best baby photo ever.
These next two crops are my faves... oh those eyes! Thanks Daddy!
We were playing with a few toys and having a ball... he was under my spell...
Then he decides it's a good idea to eat the burp cloth. Mommy thinks that's gross and takes it away...
No fun! Boo on Mom!