Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Momentary Angel

We have only this moment,
sparkling like a star in our hand...
and melting like a snowflake.
Let us use it before it is too late.

-Marie Benyon Ray
(taken from "Hugs for New Moms" by Stephanie Howard)

This only took a handful of seconds to capture, believe it or not. Eli has a habit of grinning frequently just before falling off into blissful newborn unconsciousness. It is, hands down, my favorite part of the day and in one instant, can take away all the bad memories of the previous sleepless night.

So, I'll be busy storing up todays grins in preparation for another long night.


  1. This is so precious! Isn't it the best being a mommy?! =)
    I promise the nights get better just to get bad again when they teeth.
    I promise you will lose ALL the baby weight even if it takes a year (which i'm sure it won't with you because you are so tiny to begin with!)
    and I promise that even though you think this is the greatest stage that you will love each new stage he has equally! Don't fret when that little guy goes from tiny to a chubby 6 month old! It's so fun to watch them grow and learn!
    Congrats again. =)

  2. Oh my word he is just the Cutest! I love that smile!!!


  3. What a gorgeous little man! The nursery is cute too!
